
Handling Classroom Disruptions

Classroom disruptions are inevitable, but how a teacher handles them can determine whether they escalate or are resolved quickly. The best approach to handling disruptions is prevention. Setting clear expectations and consequences at the beginning of the year can reduce the likelihood of disruptions.

However, when disruptions do occur, it’s important for teachers to stay calm and address the issue without embarrassing the student. Calling out a student in front of the class can often lead to further disruptions or hurt feelings. Instead, a quiet, private conversation can often be more effective. For example, a teacher might say, “I noticed you were talking during the lesson. Let’s discuss how we can make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

Consistency is also key when dealing with disruptions. If students know that certain behaviors will result in certain consequences, they’re less likely to act out. Inconsistent enforcement of rules can create confusion and lead to more disruptions.

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